Sunday, August 10, 2008

What? You mean noone ever told you about the hover bike?
Well, that’s understandable because presently there is only one prototype in the world but the hover bike has the potential to become the most dazzling gadget ever built. After four years of design work it has finally begun test runs and people are falling in love with it wherever it has been shown.
It operates the same fundamental principle as a hover craft with a large foam base which impels the bike into the air and gives it the power to thrust forward at the same time.
It may look awesome but let’s get answers to some critical questions.
According to Jim Chalmers, the inventor of the hover bike it should top out around fifty miles per hour but it is quite happy to bounce around at lower speeds around 30-35
Handling-wise it is very sensitive. It makes turns rather sharply, it will spin around in a circle if you want and you can propel it forward facing in any direction.
When these become available they will provide an interesting ride for anybody. They require the rider to stand while riding!

I have seen one and I can guarantee you that this is for real. But who knows when it will get out on the road?. It required four years to create the first one. It probably will not be allowed on highways with a top speed of 50? And what handling do they have for using one when it rains Will it have an umbrella built in? And won’t the rain bounce up into the air stream from the jets underneath and result in a seriously bumpy ride? And I suppose it will be attractive to the folks less than 50 years of age or so but I can hardly imagine granny riding around in her hover bike and our one needs to factor in the reality that our population is getting older and older. And what will be the asking price for one of these fascinating gadgets??

Well, a hover bike may or may not be right for all folks but here is something that was never any good for anybody. This has to be one of the corniest 50s era TV commercials I ever saw! Ay yi yi! It is all about the Edsen Hover Car! lol I am confident that this was the invention that made it possible to “beat those Ruskies”! (as they say in the commercial)

I enjoyed this fun diversion from my routine articles which focus on the most practical, inexpensive and beneficial modifications ever discovered to assist you to get lower fuel usage get clean emissions and help your car to operate more efficiently.

In the mean time, WATER4GAS is offering information for a fee which people can use in their garage or wherever to create a small device which infuses hydrogen into the fuel/air mixture that their vehicle runs on.
What this does is make bite sized particles out of the ones that the system burns as fuel. So it is able to use considerably more of the gasoline.
By doing this you can minimumly expect to increase your MPG by 12%. But many are getting thirty to fifty percent improvement or even more. Those goblets "musta" been pretty darn big in some systems before. But with WATER4GAS they are made usable so you can increase your MPG.
It also helps make emissions significantly cleaner.
This information has been purchased by over NINE THOUSAND individuals already and happy members number about 99%! So that's pretty electric!

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